
The 9/11 Truth Movement

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США и Великобритания нанесли по Йемену 73 страйка
https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/in … up/3107011
https://ifpnews.com/us-uk-73-strikes-ye … spokesman/

погибли 5 боевиков-хуситов, еще 6 получили ранения
Президент США Джо Байден заявил в пятницу, что он приказал нанести удары «в ответ на беспрецедентные нападения хуситов на международные морские суда».

https://i.imgur.com/7pg2eAd.jpg https://i.imgur.com/kn9WNpK.jpg
https://i.imgur.com/PCrjQk1.jpg https://i.imgur.com/aOiVnfc.jpg



https://splash247.com/red-sea-security- … n-worsens/
Red Sea security situation worsens
https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/at … e-red-sea/
Attacks on shipping in the Red Sea

В последнее время в водах Красного моря и у побережья Йемена был совершен ряд нападений на коммерческие суда.

Сообщалось, что 19 ноября хутисты захватили "Galaxy Leader" (автовоз), который был доставлен в Ходейду, а 26 ноября они захватили "Central Park" (танкер-химовоз). 27 ноября "CMA CGM Symi" (контейнеровоз), как утверждается, подвергся атаке беспилотника в Индийском океане. Все три судна предположительно имели связи с Израилем, хотя в случае с "Центральным парком" это, возможно, не так.

3 декабря поступило сообщение о том, что три судна, "Unity Explorer", "Number 9" и "Sophie II", были атакованы боевиками Хуситами, которые, по всей видимости, утверждали, что два из них связаны с Израилем.

Другие суда (в том же управлении, что и "Galaxy Leader") были перенаправлены, чтобы избежать прохождения Йемена.

29 марта 2021 ( успешное завершение операции по разблокировке канала  ) - 12 января 2024 - 1019 дней

Отредактировано SlavaN (13.01.2024 17:52:44)



Воспоминания о Будущем .Список стран которые накроет Хаос

Корея, Турция, Йемен.



poka na angl. sej4ac net vozmojnosti i vremeni ....


Другая фальшивая террористическая группа.


Майлз говорит, что вера во все системы падает.

Другими словами, еще одна фальшивая группа, созданная ЦРУ, такая как Хезболла, ООП, ИГИЛ и ХАМАС.
Мы можем сказать только по имени и фотографии Хути. Эта фотография сгенерирована компьютером, поэтому, если этот парень был реальным, он, вероятно, был двоюродным братом Барака Хусейна Обамы и Рут Бейдер Гинзберг. Они признают, что он был тесно связан с Али Хоссейни Хаменеи из Ирана, другим марионеткой ЦРУ, евреем в Турбане.


Hidden Signs of the Revolution
now in progress

First published January 15, 2023

hidden signs

In this old paper from 2015, I exhibited some naive hope that Taylor would realize what a bunch of

phoenies she was surrounded by and bow out of her “career”, finding a real life somewhere. As we all

know, that hasn't happened. From the picture above, we can see she is turning herself into the same

witch as all her cousins, including Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Billie Eilish, and older ones

like Madonna, Barbra Streisand and Bette Midler.

She has been in the news recently for two reasons: one, she is allegedly dating Chiefs player Travis

Kelce, which just means he is gay and they are bearding eachother. She has become the most notorious

gay beard of all time in her short life, and I am far from the only one claiming it. Her list of past

boyfriends is a who's who of closeted gays. When they told Kelce they were setting him up with Swift,

he should have said, “No thanks! Too obvious. You might as well set me up with Dylan Mulvaney. I

want people to not think I am gay, remember?”

But today she was in the news for something more substantial: her label Universal is slashing hundreds

of jobs due to poor sales. That article tries to pass it off as something to do with Biden's economy, but

that is obviously misdirection. I see it rather as proof of the revolution in progress, as well as of the

promoted fraud that is her popularity. Like everything else, it is mostly manufactured.

Yes, Taylor is popular with some segment of teenaged girls, but as I have been saying for years, her

numbers are massaged by huge margins, including her numbers at Youtube and her sales numbers. If

her sales numbers were anything like what we are being told, Universal would be swimming in money.

They should be hiring hand over fist and building new buildings and expanding furiously. But they

aren't, indicating the whole Swift thing is a mirage.

I believe the Swift thing is a mirage in one way: she isn't really writing or singing those songs. On

stage, it is all lip-synching, which is apparently no longer frowned upon. The days of Milli Vanilli

getting mobbed for it are in the distant past. And on the albums it is all autotuning, if not worse. The

voice we hear is so machined we can't tell who is actually singing it, or if anyone is. It could be Siri or

Alexa singing it for all we know. It can't be Taylor, since she has been caught off a corrected mic and

she is tone deaf. If she had to sing anything live without correction it would be a bloodbath. But that is

true of all these famous people.

I accidentally heard a song of hers on the radio the other day and was appalled by how fake it sounded.

This is basically AI music, folks. Built by machines from the ground up, with Taylor just being the

pretty face fronting it. Same with the songwriting, which is so impersonal, cliché, and robotic, it could

have been written by anyone, or no one. My guess is no one. There isn't even a committee writing this

crap. It is just spit out by computers toying with recombinations.

Same for TV, Hollywood, “fine” art, poetry, novels, and theoretical science. Human creativity has

flatlined and they are just begging the computers for new product.

But back to the revolution. It isn't just Universal that is tanking, it is the entire economy, and it isn't

Biden's fault. Yes, DEI is bad for business, but that isn't the fundamental driving force of this collapse.

You are supposed to believe that people aren't buying because they don't have any disposable income,

but that isn't it. They aren't buying because they are boycotting the entire system, just as I have been

suggesting they do for years. Millions of people are going off the grid for good, and by that I don't just

mean they are homeschooling or gardening. I mean they are disconnecting in every way they can from

the Phoenician predatory economy of disease, waste, and death, also giving up on hospitals, doctors,

junk food, TV, Hollywood, gigantic cars and trucks, banks, and the entire interconnected system of


In that Taylor Swift article, they admit that all sectors of the economy are quickly shrinking, including

Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the big banks, Disney, and even Amazon. And in other articles over the

past months, we have seen that the States and Feds are also having to downsize, due to shrinking

revenues. Why are revenues down double digits at all levels? Again, they tell you it is due to the

economy, but that is only a part of it. The drops are so precipitous it can only be a sign of a silent tax

revolt. People have had it and are simply refusing to support the regime anymore. Those whose

income taxes aren't automatically taken and whose wages are difficult to garnish are just disconnecting

from the feeding trough in any way they can. Many are quitting their jobs, hiding assets, and moving

out of the country. Not to mention those who have been killed by the vaccines: they aren't paying any

taxes now.

That is the real reason the IRS is being expanded. They have to up the levels of fear and coercion, to

try to stop the revolution in its tracks at this most fundamental level. Like everything else it won't

work, since it will just piss off the citizenry all the more. People are very angry right now, but rather

than look at the very good reasons for that anger, and trying to mitigate it, the Phoenicians are instead

pushing forward with their Mordor plans. As we know, these people have no ability to admit to a

mistake and to immediately reverse course, although that is their only hope

And in other news, we are hearing a lot about Houthis these days. What are Houthis? They are

allegedly a militant revolutionary group of Shia Muslims in Yemen who arose in the 1990s, pushing

back against US involvement in the area. They are named for their leader Hussein Badr al-Houthi,

allegedly killed in action in 2004.

In other words, another fake group manufactured by the CIA, like Hezbollah, PLO, ISIS, and Hamas.

We can tell just from Houthi's name and photo. That photo is computer generated, so if this guy was

real at all he was probably a cousin of Barack Hussein Obama and Ruth Bader Ginsberg. They admit

he was closely tied to Ali Hosseini Khamenei of Iran, another CIA stooge Jew-in-a-Turban.

There are revolutionary forces in Yemen, since the local people don't like being run by the Phoenicians

and never have. But you don't hear about these real groups, you only hear about the controlled

opposition groups the CIA sets up to act as fake revolutionaries, so that they can be in full control of

the blackwash. Same as here, with our fake Antifa flibbers, Proud Boys, BLM goons, and neo-Nazi


But these revolutionaries in Yemen don't have the tech to be attacking big ships in the Red Sea or to be

taking on the Saudi, Israeli, or US military. They have been marginalized and driven underground by

decades of local tyranny, not to speak of all the fake wars going on over there. Just as we are kept off

the streets by our fake riots and such, they are kept in check by all the war theater.

I will be told they are funded and supplied from Iran, but that is all the usual feint. We have always

owned Iran, they and their leaders being our propped-up opposition in the area. We are supposed to

believe that Yemen, like Iran, had an anti-West revolution in the recent past, but that is all a fantasy.

As usual, it was done for the locals, to make them think the bad old Phoenicians had packed up and

gone home to England or the US or wherever, when they never had. We just installed new puppets in

better local costumes and everything went on as before.

You will say, “If that is true, why don't we just promote peace in the Middle East? Wouldn't that be the

best way to calm down the Natives?” It would, but it doesn't happen to fit our portfolio in the region,

which is written by defense contractors. Without manufactured wars all over the world, how would

these guys maintain their obscene profits? With a trillion-dollar a year “defense” budget, we have a

war economy, which requires constant war: if the wars don't materialize on their own, they can be

faked, and are being faked. Have been for a long long time. Taxpayers only agree to those levels of

defense spending if they see some results: big televised wars like the Gulf Wars, where they can watch

missile strikes and cheer as thousands of innocent children are (allegedly) murdered in their beds.

Shock and awe, you know.

Now that we know the missile strikes were on abandoned and condemned buildings and that no one

was killed, are you relieved or disappointed? Be honest. As with the serial killers, I find that many,

perhaps most, are not relieved to find it all fake. They seem to be offended. Some appear to want their

money back. . . which is why I guess some of them are withholding taxes. Taxes for real wars, with

lakes of blood and rivers of fire, was understandable; but taxes for fake wars? That's going too far!

And in still other fake news, we see today this article from Jim Hoft at the Gateway Pundit, where the

FAA is recruiting the blind, deaf, epilectic, psychotic, and mentally retarded. I am not saying Hoft

faked this piece, I am saying the FAA did. Or, they didn't fake it, but they released or leaked this

ridiculous DEI initiative on purpose, in order to scare you away from flying. The fact that it comes

right on the heels of the Alaska Airlines theater, where the door allegedly blew off in mid-flight,

confirms that is what is going on here. A reader wrote in to tell me the Alaska Airlines event was

probably an insider investment strategy, with top execs faking the event to temporarily tank prices

while they bought low. I told him that was a good guess, but this news today tends to indicate I was

right initially. Yes, they may be piggybacking some insider trading on this news, but I think the main

point of it is to kill air travel for the Gentiles. We know they were already planning that, since they

have said so in their Bilderberger mainfestoes and such. And they also tacked that on to their Covid

response, as part of their keeping you off the streets and as far as possible away from “moving freely

about the country”. Remember that old tag from Southwest Airlines? Seems like ancient history now.

You are now free to move about your tiny house . . . but you would be best hiding under the bed when

not otherwise engaged. You know, in case of nuclear war or inclement weather.

Отредактировано Rurik (17.01.2024 14:51:59)


Вы здесь » The 9/11 Truth Movement » Ближний Восток » Йемен